Marquette King's Quest for an NFL Comeback

Marquette King, the charismatic punter known for his powerful legs and unique on-field presence, is on a determined quest to make his return to the NFL. At 35, King has demonstrated that his age is no barrier to his ambitions, as he continues to showcase his elite punting skills with the Arlington Renegades, earning the title of All-UFL punter. However, King’s aspirations are set on a much larger stage — the NFL.

A Storied Career

King's NFL journey began in 2012 with the Oakland Raiders. Over the next five years, he cemented himself as one of the league's top punters. He played in 84 games with the Raiders, where he accumulated an impressive 446 punts for a total of 20,822 yards, with 163 of those kicks landing inside the 20-yard line. His prowess on the field was highlighted in 2014 when he led the NFL in punting yards.

Among his career highlights, King can boast a remarkable 72-yard punt, showcasing both his power and precision. However, after his productive tenure in Oakland, King’s career took an unexpected turn.

From the NFL to Other Leagues

In 2018, King signed a lucrative three-year, $7 million contract with the Denver Broncos. Expectations were high, but his time in Denver was cut short when he was placed on injured reserve due to a thigh injury in October of that year. Following this, King was released from the roster, a move that many viewed as premature.

King's journey then took him to the XFL, where he once again proved his mettle by leading the league in punting yards in 2020. He became an XFL champion in 2023, further solidifying his reputation as a top-tier talent. Despite his success, he was not among the players who transitioned from the UFL to the NFL following its inaugural season. Determined and undeterred, King continues to demonstrate his readiness for an NFL comeback.

The Quest for an NFL Return

As the new NFL season approaches, King is making his case for a return to the league. He has been actively posting on social media, showcasing his latest punts and reinforcing his belief in his abilities. "You can't tell me that there are 32 punters better than me. All-UFL Punter in a league where punting isn't easy at all! I'm manifesting a call from an NFL team again soon," King declared confidently.

His drive and determination are palpable. For King, 2024 is the year he aims to reclaim his place among the NFL's elite punters. His tenure with the Arlington Renegades, decorated with accolades, is proof that his skills have not waned. In fact, many argue that he is in even better form now than he was during his earlier NFL days.


Marquette King’s journey is far from over. Whether sharing highlights on social media or dominating in alternative leagues, his talent shines through. For a player who has led both the NFL and the XFL in punting yards, the future certainly holds promise.

As the NFL season edges closer, the big question remains: Will an NFL team recognize King’s unparalleled punting talent and offer him the opportunity he’s been diligently working towards? Only time will tell, but if King's performance and determination are any indications, the call he’s manifesting might just be around the corner.